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Print to SAMSUNG ML-3312ND

Submitted by gill on

To print to the SAMSUNG ML-3312ND you need:

  • Generic Linux drivers
  • SAMSUNG (now HP) Unified Linux printer drivers Print Driver (Driver) ver.V1.00.27.04 - Linux (MULTI LANGUAGE, 15.44 MB) 
  • CUPS

Try these steps:

  1. Download and decompress ULD_V1.00.27.04.tar.gz
  2. Copy


    and set ownership, permissions, and SELinux context like the other filters in that directory


Passmark results

Submitted by gill on


  • PINTO: 1917.4
  • TEMPEST: 1794
  • AMX:


Building a bootable USB for Windows with UEFI and NTFS

Submitted by gill on

I found this procedure on the webs and used it slightly modified, as outlined below.

Become root with sudo su -
Insert the USB drive, and find its device name.


sdk                 8:160  1  31.6G  0 disk
└─sdk1              8:161  1  13.7G  0 part /run/media/gill/OCTD

Unmount the partition.

umount /dev/sdk1

Run fdisk with the device name and remove existing partitions.

Can't connect to mail server

Submitted by gill on

Connections to my postfix+imap server are "blocked" (connection refused).
Turns out the portreserve system is broken... it blocks ports the mail server needs!

for daemon in portreserve clamd cyrus-imapd spamassassin amavisd postgrey postfix
/sbin/service $daemon stop
for daemon in postfix postgrey amavisd spamassassin cyrus-imapd clamd portreserve
/sbin/service $daemon start

Install OctoPrint on BeagleBone (white)

Submitted by gill on

#add a user (I choose pi)
sudo useradd -m -c "Pi Octoprint" pi
#Be sure to give him a password
sudo password pi
#make sure it's up to date
sudo apt-get update
#install python building tools
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip python-virtualenv

NOW you can start with the instructions