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ssh root@Oboo-Clock-69F0
Software repo:
Enable Bluetooth speaker audio: gpioctl dirout-high 3
Disable Bluetooth speaker audio: gpioctl dirout-low 3
gpioctl dirout-low 41
sleep 2
gpioctl dirout-high 41
sleep 2
gpioctl dirout-low 41
sleep 2
gpioctl dirout-high 41
sleep 2
gpioctl dirout-low 41
sleep 2
aplay -L
dmesg | grep AUDIO
The following requires stty tool. To install use
opkg update
opkg install coreutils-stty
#set baud rate
stty -F /dev/ttyS2 115200
#volume up
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xed\x13\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#volume down
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xec\x14\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#play / pause
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xf0\x10\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#previous track
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xee\x12\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#next track
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xef\x11\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#enter bluetooth paring mode
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xe7\x19\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#bluetooth mode
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xea\x16\x00' > /dev/ttyS2#internal audio mode
echo -n -e '\xff\xfe\xe8\x18\x00' > /dev/ttyS2
When Oboo is put into internal audio mode it is able to play mp3 files using tools such as mpg123
You can change the access point network password with the 'uci' command.
For example:
$>uci show wireless ... wireless.ap=wifi-iface wireless.ap.device='radio0' wireless.ap.mode='ap' wireless.ap.network='wlan' wireless.ap.ifname='ra0' wireless.ap.encryption='psk2' wireless.ap.disabled='0' wireless.ap.ssid='Oboo-Clock-xxxx' wireless.ap.key='12345678' ...
Then do a 'uci set' to change the key:
uci set wireless.ap.ssid="My-New-Sekrit-ID'
uci set wireless.ap.key='my-really-hard-to-guess-password'
Remember to do a
uci commit
...or it will all disappear when you reboot.
- Is there an alternative way to get access to the configuration? (I do have a Windows machine if that will help.)
- you can SSH in if your Oboo is connected to local WiFi
- If not, how do I open the case to get to a port that will allow me to access the configuration?
- if you open up the case you will have 2 options
- 1) connect USB to serial and use serial terminal
- 2) pull down the reset pin for 10 seconds after the oboo is fully booted to restore factory configuration
- if you open up the case you will have 2 options
- What is the best way to disable the built-in wi-fi access point, without disabling the wi-fi entirely.
- The best we can do right now is to disable SSID broadcasting (Hide the AP)
- To completely shutoff AP is very involved and requires special software. It's something we can look in to after the core features are done.
- Even before these changes, I was unable to access the web console. What is the current method for enabling web access?
- Web console is not included in the stock Oboo firmware. You can install it with opkg install onion-os
- My battery indicator never reaches full, not does it have any indication of charging. Is this a software bug or is there a hardware problem?
- It is a software issue on battery sensing. It will be fixed later (I added it to the known issue list)
- Send update refresh
- sh /usr/bin/configUpdate.sh
- Firmware update
- sh /etc/cron.week/firmware_update.sh
- Restart cards
- /etc/init.d/card-manager restart ; /etc/init.d/oboo-cards restart
- Change configurations
- Edit /etc/config.json
Set the time
opkg update
opkg upgrade onion-script
Once that's done, you'll need to find your timezone. Run
onion time list
To set your timezone:
onion time set <timezone> <timezone string>
So to set for Toronto:
onion time set America/Chicago CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0
Run the command date to see the system time.
If your time is incorrect, try to synchronize with online NTP servers:
onion time sync
Updating the Oboo Time Display
Now that the Linux time and date is correct, we'll want to update the Oboo's display. Run the following command to force the coprocessor to update it's time and date:
sh /usr/bin/mcu/setMcuTime.sh