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Submitted by gill on

These are the errors

* user warning: Access denied for user: 'bdjazz@%' to database 'bdjazz' query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE missing_nids SELECT n.nid, n.created, n.uid FROM node n LEFT JOIN node_comment_statistics c ON n.nid = c.nid WHERE c.comment_count IS NULL in /home/content/b/d/j/bdjazz/html/includes/ on line 167.
* user warning: Table 'bdjazz.missing_nids' doesn't exist query: INSERT INTO node_comment_statistics (nid, last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_name, last_comment_uid, comment_count) SELECT n.nid, n.created, NULL, n.uid, 0 FROM missing_nids n in /home/content/b/d/j/bdjazz/html/includes/ on line 167.

All necessary changes to ./sites/default/settings.php have been made. It has been set to read-only for security.

Congratulations, Drupal has been successfully installed.
